UCL’s Festival of Engineering
150 years of engineering education. Six days to change the world.
I developed the overarching strategy and campaign for the Festival of Engineering and helped deliver a week of activities targeting numerous audiences.
The challenge.
UCL’s Faculty of Engineering was heading to their 150th anniversary of establishing engineering education within the UK. Unsure of how to mark this, I worked with them over 3 years from research and strategy development through to delivery of the events and communications and marketing strategies to increase registrations across the six days of events.
The impact.
Over 7,000 people attended across the week, with attendees from six boroughs in London, and overseas attendees for online events. Working with NASA, we were able to secure a live link to the International Space Station which was attended by over 500 people in person and many more online. Across the six days over 150 activities were held targeting school children (6 and up), policy makers, industry partners and the general public.
The faculty had never done anything on this scale and it has increased their ambition further across their ongoing business as usual.
UCL’S Festival of Engineering event
A wrap up video for the week of events were shown at the Bloomsbury Theatre ’The Wonders’ event and shared widely with partners after the festival. The video content was captured by James Allan (UCL) and Cinematic Pictures