UCL / Responsible Innovation
Considering the ripple effect of research.
I developed the strategy, key messages and communications plan for a new e-learning platform for UCL Engineering.
The challenge.
The first course on UCL Engineering’s new platform focused on Responsible Innovation, encouraging engineers to think about the potential impact of their work and to innovate responsibly. Targeting researchers and industry, I pulled together a team of designers to create the visual identity to make this course stand out from other online courses, and to emphasise the ripple effect of innovation and of all our decisions.
The impact.
By focusing on the long-term impact of innovation—both its intended and unintended consequences—the course helps researchers to consider how their work might be used in the future. It also teaches engineers how to be more mindful of their own biases and personal perspectives, so that they don’t create technology that excludes others and has the potential to do harm. While this course is an essential starting point for any engineer, the online platform was designed for scalability, so other courses can be added later on.
The ripple effect aspect was the basis for the identity for this new course. Brand identity: Boyle&Perks.
Ensuring this course could be promoted across various channels was required to allow extendability of the brand in the future. Image credit: Boyle&Perks.
The course launch video was created by UCL’s internal videographer, who also captured all the course videos.
Online courses
The overarching strategy that allows creation of other online courses under the banner of Responsible Innovation starting with Foundations.