Camden Council

Building a better community.

I led the strategy and communications for Camden Council’s Inclusive Innovation Network to create a new dialogue between staff and residents.  

The challenge.

COVID-19 provided Camden Council an opportunity to review how they engaged with residents and find new ways to involve the community. I commissioned a new brand identity for their Inclusive Innovation Network initiative and helped facilitate a pilot project. The goal was to empower staff to make real, impactful changes in the community and to better serve the needs of residents. 

The impact.

As many of the people working for Camden Council are themselves Camden residents, we were able to leverage their experience and learn from them how better to engage the wider community, prioritising key workers and the underprivileged. Through workshops, we provided training to staff and facilitated a wider conversation that allowed the Council to innovate in order to work more efficiently and to build a stronger community. 

illustration of the speech bubbles with no text with two pencils on top

To give Camden’s Inclusive Innovation Network a distinct identity to stand out from other council material, designers Boyle&Perks worked with illustrator Lucia Viniti to create an identity that was flexible in its application.

Explore illustration shown on an iPad
Collection of the worksheets shown in red, green and yellow

Examples of the worksheets used both digitally and printed for those in-person workshops to capture information.

Image illustration shown on a laptop

Full size images were created for decks to help ensure consistency as part of the template delivery requirements.

Image illustration shown on a tote bag
illustration of figure holding a sign for benefits, a collection of people for group work and a figure hugging a yellow blob for solo work

Each activity had a key, which highlighted the learning benefit to the individual and whether it was a group or solo activity. A suggested time to complete the activities was also provided to help with workload planning.